Dennis Martire Improves the Well-Being of Construction Workers

In March 2000, Dennis Martire was appointed as Assistant Regional Manager of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA). Two years later, he was elected Vice President and Regional Manager. Over the past three decades, Dennis has emerged as a leader on a large number of successful LiUNA initiatives. You see, Dennis Martire’s career with LiUNA began way back in April 1990, when he signed on as an International Representative for the LIUNA Jurisdictional Disputes Department.
Dennis Martire subsequently went on to lead the LiUNA Laborers’ Construction Department, first as an assistant Director and then as the Director of that department. Currently, Dennis Martire still serves as a vice president and Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager for the prestigious labor union, just as he has done since January 2002. Dennis’ constant movement through the union hierarchy is a testament to his commitment to the union and its rank and file. Dennis also played an instrumental role in the process that gave workers on Fluor-Lane’s expansion of Route 495 Hot Lanes Project a choice on whether to join a union. That was a critical initiative, since those workers voted overwhelmingly to be members of LiUNA Local 11, in one of the most impressive union victories in the construction industry in the state of Virginia to happen in many years.
Many years ago, Dennis Martire worked hard with officials in Montgomery County, Maryland to pass a prevailing wage law to ensure that working families could count on fair wages from their employers. He has always been committed to improving the lives of the working men, especially those who work with his union. While many don’t believe it, such wage laws don’t raise costs. Instead, they ensure that taxpayers receive a greater return on their public investment. The vast majority of studies show that prevailing wage laws improve worker efficiency, which means public works projects are completed faster and more easily, saving money for everyone involved.